RFS Completes IB Evaluations

As an authorized International Baccalaureate School, Ramallah Friends School strives to maintain quality delivery of its three IB programs—the primary years program (PYP), middle years program (MYP), and the diploma program (DP). The International Baccalaureate organization evaluates the standards and practices of each IB school every five years. This month, RFS successfully passed the evaluations of the MYP and PYP programs. As part of the process, the School engaged in a self-study for each of the programs. This has helped all those involved to reflect and further understand the philosophy and the practices of the program and its alignment with the Schools’ mission and values as a Quaker school. The evaluation process was an opportunity to identify successes, celebrate them, highlight challenges, and create an action plan.

For both programs, RFS submitted evidence documenting the work of students and staff in several forms: short videos were recorded, and past exhibitions of student work were documented and shared.The evaluation process was collaborative, with all the school’s stakeholders involved, and in this way reflected what RFS does as a school and as a community. The school’s governing body, parents, teachers, and administration all took part in the evaluation. The process allowed for everyone’s voice to be heard, and all were able to witness the steps of the evaluation.The collaborative effort and commitment of the RFS community is undoubtedly the reason for our successful evaluation, which allows the school to maintain its status as an International Baccalaureate school. Ramallah Friends School is incredibly thankful for the cooperation of parents, friends, and everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to the excellence of this renowned institution.