Belize Friends Ministries and a Year of Transition

This week Belize Friends School is beginning a new school year, but this is also a year of transition for Belize Friends Ministries. Nikki Holland, Belize Friends Ministries Director, will be stepping down from her service with Friends United Meeting at the end of June, 2024. FUM is grateful for Nikki’s service in Belize, her dedication to the students and staff of Belize Friends School, her love for Belize Friends Church, and her efforts to provide vital resources to Belize City’s South Side community. She provided essential leadership and a spirit of loving concern for Belize Friends during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nikki and her family will be returning to the United States, and settling in the Washington, D.C. area, where her husband Brian is attending graduate school.Nikki will continue in her role as Director until the end of this year. On January 1, 2024, she will hand over her responsibilities as the director of Belize Friends Ministries to Oscar Mmbali, but will continue service in Belize to assist with the transition, provide spiritual support to the students of Belize Friends School, support fundraising initiatives, and finalize FUM’s re-registration with the Belizean government.

Oscar Mmbali, who has been serving as Pastoral Minister in Belize, will be stepping in as the new Director of FUM–Belize. Among other things, Oscar has served as the church planting pastor of Belize Friends Church, mentoring pastor to our Belizean pastors-in-training, and has overseen the programs of Belize Friends Center. He provides depth of wisdom, strategic thinking, and a vision for how Friends can utilize our presence and resources to make a transformative difference in Belize. He’s led the outreach program concerning youth and police engagement, and the human trafficking campaign. Oscar will provide critical leadership to Belize Friends Ministries in years to come.

Athina Major returned to Belize Friends School last year as the Recruitment and Advancement Officer. She will continue to provide this vital service for the school but will expand her role to provide leadership and administrative support for other FUM programs in Belize. In this new role, she will be directly accountable to the Director of FUM–Belize. Athina is outgoing, passionate about her work, and is an excellent administrator. Additionally, she is well known and respected in Belize City and is helpful in helping us connect to the right people.

Christopher Luben, one of our pastors-in-training, is currently serving as the Minister of Outreach at Belize Friends Church. As Oscar steps into the director’s position, Christopher will take over more church responsibilities.We ask for Friends’ prayerful support during this year of transition. We also ask Friends to continue their support for Nikki Holland as she wraps up her service in Belize. You can give online to her ministry account at

September 8, 2023