FUM News Blog

FTC Community Blesses Wafulas before Sabbatical

On Thursday, June 19, 2024, the staff and faculty of Friends Theological College prayed for and released the principal, Dr. Robert Wafula, and his wife Nancy, as they traveled to Britain to attend a conference. After the conference, Dr. Robert will still be away as he takes his sabbatical leave that is of effect from 26 June to 26 December 2024. During his sabbatical, Dr. Robert will engage in travels among Yearly Meetings and churches, etc., which will undoubtedly bring new insights and experiences to our college.

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Our Thanks to Sussie Ndanyi

Friends United Meeting has been blessed to have Sussie Ndanyi as a dedicated member of our Richmond staff as she pursued her studies at Earlham School of Religion.Sussie has served in various capacities, including serving as an administrative assistant, overseeing preparations for Stoking the Fire, and providing staff support for the African Friends in North America Committee.

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Chickens Connect Strangers in a Message of Love

In the fall of 2021, the United States military withdrew from of Afghanistan. Americans watched as desperate people clamored in and around the airport in Kabul. We saw pictures of planes taking off while people clung to them with the bleakest of hope.

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Yearly Meetings Hold Joint Pastors Retreat

From May 20-22, 2024, fifty Quaker pastors, their spouses and family members, from Western and Wilmington Yearly Meetings, New Association of Friends, and some unaffiliated Monthly Meetings, gathered for a retreat at Ohio’s Hueston Woods State Park.

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Flourishing Friends ‘23–‘24 Cohort Holds Closing Retreat

This year’s Flourishing Friends cohort held its wrap-up and final retreat on May 4, hosted at Carmel Friends Meeting, north of Indianapolis. Flourishing Friends is a program of Friends United Meeting’s North American Ministries department. Facilitated by Scott Wagoner and Colin Saxton, the aim of the program is to give practical tools and coaching to congregations dedicated to assessing their health and tackling some of the challenges they are facing.

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Our Thanks to Sussie Ndanyi

Friends United Meeting has been blessed to have Sussie Ndanyi as a dedicated member of our Richmond staff as she pursued her studies at Earlham School of Religion.

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