Thirty Days of Prayer - Day Seven

Abiding in Christ is to be of the same nature and in harmony with Him. This is the very expression of His greatest law: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength. Mk12:30-31. 

However the default nature of man is carnal and is ruled by a rational mind which cannot fathom all that is of God.Rom.8:7,Is.64.4.

God in preparing man made the Mosaic covenant with the written law which was understood with rational minds but failed to convert Israel. The same predicament faces believers today. The truth of God's Word is only understood fully with the heart. Prov. 7:3. God later provided a superior second covenant where the Holy Spirit writes His law in the believer's hearts. Heb. 8:8-12

Unlike the works of the first covenant, a humble attitude which was the mind of Christ is what matters most. Phil. 2:5-10.

The flesh is mortified in obedience to the Word of God through labor of love whose superior sacrifices are of a contrite and broken heart. The Word of God is living and active , sharper than any double edged sword, penetrating and reconciling : the heart, the mind and soul. Heb 4:12, Ps. 19:7-12.

As we labor in love, we adhere to Christ's instruction to pray with the heart with few words and not the mind. Mt. 6:6-15.

David, a man after God's heart knew the secret:Keep still and know that I am the Lord. Ps. 46:10.He spent hours waiting on the Lord each day. 

Quakers strong heritage is to pray with the heart in silence. This is a way of worship that all Quakers need to understand and adopt. I can testify of it's high efficacy and recommend it for all. 

1. How do we get energized in sleep when we are like dead? Spiritually, the Spirit gives life to dust and dry bones. Ezek 37.

2.The cycle of the sun(day) and moon (night) tells of speech and then knowledge by night. The mind is like the sun and heart like the moon using the Word in the mind at night in silence. Ps. 19:2. This is the cycle that sustains life.

3. Purpose to read about silent prayer. 

4.The mind of Christ is symbolysed by His posture on the cross pleading for mercy which plea was justified. Similarly, the publican in similar fashion was justified. Pray as they prayed. 

Richard Sitati

Posted by
Kelly Kellum